- Clinical Trial Site
Austin Health is the major provider of tertiary health services and health professional education and research in the northeast of Melbourne. It operates 980 beds across acute, sub-acute and mental health.
Austin LifeSciences (ALS) brings together over 800 innovative researchers at Austin Health’s vibrant research precinct who are turning science into health. It includes the following Hospital and University of Melbourne Departments and Independent Institutes:
- University of Melbourne Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, and Physiotherapy
- The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
- Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute (ONJCRI)
- Institute for Breathing and Sleep (IBAS)
- Parent-Infant Research Institute (PIRI)
- Spinal Research Institute
- Mercy Hospital for Women
- Austin Medical Research Foundation (AMRF)
The multidisciplinary alliance consists of world class scientific leaders conducting research in:
- Cancer
- Neurosciences
- Transplantation
- Heart disease, and hypertension
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases
- Diabetes and osteoporosis
- Sleep disorders
- Palliative Care
Over 300 clinical trials are offered and include drugs and devices tested for the first time in humans.
Our Human Research Ethics Committee is NHMRC-certified and participates in the National Mutual Acceptance scheme.