Victoria is extremely well resourced with around 150 public and 161 private hospitals. Rural and regional health services are provided across Victoria, where there are five rural health regions.
Victoria is extremely well resourced with hospitals, both public and private;
Clinical Trials are initiated and organised by ‘sponsors’. Sponsors may include multi-national companies (e.g. pharmaceutical companies), small Australian companies, individual doctors or researchers, or the hospitals themselves.
Health institutions are ultimately responsible for deciding whether clinical trials take place on their premises. Hospitals rely on advice on whether the proposed clinical trial complies with the principles of ethical behaviour set out in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007).
One-third of Australian clinical trials activity takes place in Victoria.
When considering a Victorian clinical trial, it is important to know that clinical practices and some aspects of Victoria’s health care system are similar to the United States, United Kingdom and most of Europe. The seasonal differences between the Northern and Southern hemispheres allows trials dependent on seasonal factors (e.g. flu vaccine, allergy or respiratory ailments trials) to be conducted or continued in Australia, extending the appropriate period for patient recruitment for clinical trials in Victoria.
Access to global markets from Melbourne for clinical research is convenient as the time zone bridges North American and European business hours, whilst aligning closely to those in the Asia Pacific region. This has encouraged a growing number of trans-Pacific partnerships with companies including Merck and Astra Zeneca. Melbourne’s biomedical sector is an Asia Pacific gateway for industry collaboration and excellence.
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