Statistical Revelations

  • Statistics and Data Management

Many people we talk to find statistics and the whole data management process scary. Trying to choose a study design, discuss data capture systems, explore analysis methods and proposed presentation of results seems to induce a sense of near panic as people are forced to enter this seemingly chaotic, unknown and unwanted territory.

The only thing more daunting than these concepts is having to talk to a statistician. At Statistical Revelations we are different! We understand that not everyone can think in terms of formulae, matrices and vectors; that deciding which side of the magical ‘0.05’ the P-value must lie is, at best, a 50:50 chance of getting it right. Let us take the fear factor away and generate a sense of calm and tranquillity, knowing that the statistical and data management considerations are in good hands.

We have worked in most therapeutic areas for clients in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical devices (including in-vitro diagnostics) industries.

No project is too small, and no challenge is too big. Furthermore, in this modern age, we do not limit our services to our own doorstep. We work with and for organizations around the globe who find our expertise and productivity (we work while they sleep) ensures their projects are delivered to a high standard, in the required timeframes and on budget.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your project and demonstrate how we can help you maximise the returns from your research efforts.


Annie Solterbeck



+61 3 9533 1604

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