World Courier Australia

  • Supply Chain

World Courier is a global specialty logistics company that for nearly half a century has built a reputation as the most trusted specialty logistics company in the world. We’ve played a key role in over 15,900 clinical trials, with 99.9% of shipments arriving on time and within temperature range (2016).

With 14 strategically located storage depots, more than 2,500+ associates and GDP-certified across 140+ company-owned global offices, our pharmaceutical partners value the peace of mind that comes with our unsurpassed knowledge, global reach and flawless supply chain execution of critical products.

World Courier’s Melbourne facility

Melbourne is the home of our Australian head office and state of the art clinical storage depot.  It is strategically located, ensuring the best possible control of products and support for clinical trials and commercial third-party logistics.

The Melbourne depot provides a complete portfolio of supply chain solutions with:

  • Fully compliant GMP storage with permanent security monitoring
  • Validated storage areas for commercial materials for controlled ambient (+15°C to +25°C), refrigerated (+2°C to +8°C), frozen (-20°C), deep frozen (-70°C), liquid nitrogen (-196°C)
  • Caring for hundreds of protocols we handle 50,000+ kits from our Melbourne depot every year with an accuracy rate of 99.9%

Speak to a World Courier representative today.

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